ddm HACK

ddm := drop down menu - here: by wLc-r2-design
wLc-r2-design produces a ddm depending on the total width of the menu titles of level-1 menu named here the top level menu (bar).
When there are sufficiently enough menu items the ddm is produced when loading the page(s).
Therefore, if the number of true menu items is not sufficient to create this effect, putting some or a lot of nonsense menu items at the end of the navigation will provoke this effect.
How to hide the nonsense menu items when the page is displayed ?
Instead of many nonsense menu items some extremely long menu titles only do not produce the desired result !
Very important : see CSS for centering !!!
What a heck this HACK !
wLc-r2-design produces a ddm depending on the total width of the menu titles of level-1 menu named here the top level menu (bar).
When there are sufficiently enough menu items the ddm is produced when loading the page(s).
Therefore, if the number of true menu items is not sufficient to create this effect, putting some or a lot of nonsense menu items at the end of the navigation will provoke this effect.
How to hide the nonsense menu items when the page is displayed ?
- For the conventional top-level menu bar use CSS " .custom-wrapper ul.menu-level-1 li:nth-child(1n+X) a { visibility:hidden } ". The empty / blank / void places (of the non-visible menu items) are not mouse / cursor sensitive.
- For the dd menu by css " .custom-wrapper.open li:nth-child(1n+X) a{ display:none; } " these menu item can be "deleted" immediately when loading the page these menu items are not displayed.
- Choose the X in the formula depending on your "good / eligible / true" menu items.
Instead of many nonsense menu items some extremely long menu titles only do not produce the desired result !
Very important : see CSS for centering !!!